Fonction Sendmail avec ASPMail
Fourni par B2L 29 mai 2001

La fonction ci-dessous s'utilise de la manière suivante dans une page ASP:
SendMail( "", "", "Sujet de mon message", "Texte de mon message")

Const cHtmlFormat = 0
Const cTextFormat = 1

' Function : SendMail( inFrom, inDest, inSub, inBody)
' Parameters :
'     Str inFrom sender recipient mail address
'     Str Indest destination recipient mail address
'     Str InSub message subject
'     Str InBody message body 
' Return value :
'    0 if no error occured
'    error code
' Purpose : Send email in text format using ASPMail component
' Comment :
' (c)opyright B2L-CYBER/BBDO
Function SendMail( inFrom, inDest, inSub, inBody)
    Dim lMail

    Set lMail = Server.CreateObject("SMTPsvg.Mailer") 
    lMail.FromAddress = inFrom
    lMail.AddRecipient "", inDest
    lMail.Subject = inSub
    lMail.BodyText = inBody
    ' WARNING : Set the RemoteHost corresponding to your SMTP gateway
    lMail.RemoteHost = ""
    If lMail.Sendmail Then ' Send message
        SendMail = 0 ' Email was sent ok, return 0
    Else ' Send Failure 
        SendMail = lMail.Response ' Return error message
    End If
    Set lMail = Nothing
End Function
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