Ouvrir une fenêtre pop-up
Fourni par B2L 4 juillet 2001

var lWin=popupWindow('', 'popup',157,175,75,75,'auto','no','no','no','no');

* Function : popupWindow( inUrl, inWindowName, inWindowWidth, inWindowHeight,
* inPositionLeft, inPositionTop, inScroll, inResize,
* inToolbar ,inMenubar, inStatus) * Parameters : *         Str inFileName : url for content of the windows (relative or absolute) *         Str inWindowName : window's name *         Int inWindowWidth : Width of the window *         Int inWindowHeight : Height of the window *         Int inPositionLeft : Position of the window, left of the screen *         Int inPositionTop : Position of the window, top of the screen *         Str inScroll : Determine the presence of the scroll
* (Possible values : yes,no,auto) *         Str inResize : Possibility of resize the window (Possible values : yes,no) *         Str inToolbar : Determine the presence of Toolbar (Possible values : yes,no) *         Str inMenubar : Determine the presence of Menubar (Possible values : yes,no) *         Str inStatus : Determine the presence ofStatusbar (Possible values : yes,no) * Return value : *          window object * Purpose : *         Open a new window * Comment : *         Javascript 1.xx. You can use the returned window object to make
* manipulations on this opened wondow. * (c)opyright B2L-CYBER/BBDO *--------------------------------------------------*/ function popupWindow(inUrl, inWindowName, inWindowWidth, inWindowHeight,
inPositionLeft, inPositionTop, inScroll, inResize,
inToolbar, inMenubar, inStatus) {      return, inWindowName, 'resizable='+inResize+',
scrollbars='+inScroll+', toolbar='+inToolbar+',
menubar='+inMenubar+', status='+inStatus+',
screenX='+inPositionLeft+', screenY='+inPositionTop+',
top='+inPositionTop+', left='+inPositionLeft+',
width='+inWindowWidth+', height='+inWindowHeight); }
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