Isoler l'extension d'un fichier
Sous licence GPL 16 août 2001



    // input: filename
    // ouptut: filename extention
    //     or
    //         -1
    function fileGetExtention( $filename ) {

        $retvalue = "";
        $tmp = explode( ".", $filename );

        if( $tmp[1] ) {
            $retvalue = $tmp[ count( $tmp ) - 1 ];
        else {
            $retvalue = -1;

        return $retvalue ;

    } // function

    // Self Validation Code
    // This portion only runs if this script is called directly.
    // This script is meant to be 'included'  into another PHP script
    if( basename( $GLOBALS["PHP_SELF"] ) == "lib_file.php" ) {

        $test_pass_values = array( "./",
                                   "file.bak" );

        $test_fail_values = array( "",
                                   array( "asd", "wer.txt" ) );

        echo "<p>passing tests</p>\n";
        while( list( $k, $v ) = each( $test_pass_values ) ) {
            echo "$v >>> " . fileGetExtention( $v ) . "<br>\n";

        echo "<p>failing tests</p>\n";
        while( list( $k, $v ) = each( $test_fail_values ) ) {
            echo "$v >>> " . fileGetExtention( $v ) . "<br>\n";


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