Fusionner deux fichiers XML en XSLT
Sous licence GPL 27 mars 2001

Merging two XML files
Version 1.3
GPL (c) Oliver Becker, 2000-08-13

<xslt:transform xmlns:m="" xmlns:xslt="" version="1.0" exclude-result-prefixes="m">

<!-- Normalize the contents of text, comment, and processing-instruction
nodes before comparing?
Default: yes -->

<xslt:param name="normalize" select="'yes'" />

<!-- Variant 1: Source document looks like
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<merge xmlns="">
The transformation sheet merges file1.xml and file2.xml.

<xslt:template match="m:merge">
<xslt:variable name="file1" select="string(m:file1)" />
<xslt:variable name="file2" select="string(m:file2)" />
<xslt:text />Merging '<xslt:value-of select="$file1" />
<xslt:text />' and '<xslt:value-of select="$file2" />'<xslt:text />
<xslt:if test="$file1='' or $file2=''">
<xslt:message terminate="yes">
<xslt:text>No files to merge specified</xslt:text>
<xslt:call-template name="m:merge">
<xslt:with-param name="nodes1" select="document($file1,/*)/node()" />
<xslt:with-param name="nodes2" select="document($file2,/*)/node()" />

<!-- Variant 2:
The transformation sheet merges the source document with the
document provided by the parameter "with".

<xslt:param name="with" /><xslt:template match="*">
<xslt:text />Merging input with '<xslt:value-of select="$with" />
<xslt:if test="string($with)=''">
<xslt:message terminate="yes">
<xslt:text>No input file specified (parameter 'with')</xslt:text>
</xslt:if><xslt:call-template name="m:merge">
<xslt:with-param name="nodes1" select="/node()" />
<xslt:with-param name="nodes2" select="document($with,/*)/node()" />

<!-- ====================================-->
<!-- The "merge" template -->

<xslt:template name="m:merge">
<xslt:param name="nodes1" />
<xslt:param name="nodes2" /><xslt:choose>
<!-- Is $nodes1 resp. $nodes2 empty? -->
<xslt:when test="count($nodes1)=0">
<xslt:copy-of select="$nodes2" />
<xslt:when test="count($nodes2)=0">
<xslt:copy-of select="$nodes1" />
<!-- Split $nodes1 and $nodes2 -->
<xslt:variable name="first1" select="$nodes1[1]" />
<xslt:variable name="rest1" select="$nodes1[position()!=1]" />
<xslt:variable name="first2" select="$nodes2[1]" />
<xslt:variable name="rest2" select="$nodes2[position()!=1]" />
<!-- Determine type of node $first1 -->
<xslt:variable name="type1">
<xslt:apply-templates mode="m:detect-type" select="$first1" />
</xslt:variable><!-- Compare $first1 and $first2 -->
<xslt:variable name="diff-first">
<xslt:call-template name="m:compare-nodes">
<xslt:with-param name="node1" select="$first1" />
<xslt:with-param name="node2" select="$first2" />
<!-- $first1 != $first2 -->
<xslt:when test="$diff-first='!'">
<!-- Compare $first1 and $rest2 -->
<xslt:variable name="diff-rest">
<xslt:for-each select="$rest2">
<xslt:call-template name="m:compare-nodes">
<xslt:with-param name="node1" select="$first1" />
<xslt:with-param name="node2" select="." />

<!-- $first1 is in $rest2 and
$first1 is *not* an empty text node -->

<xslt:when test="contains($diff-rest,'=') and not($type1='text' and normalize-space($first1)='')">

<!-- determine position of $first1 in $nodes2
and copy all preceding nodes of $nodes2 -->

<xslt:variable name="pos" select="string-length(substring-before( $diff-rest,'=')) + 2" />
<xslt:copy-of select="$nodes2[position() &lt; $pos]" />

<!-- merge $first1 with its equivalent node -->


<!-- Elements: merge -->

<xslt:when test="$type1='element'">
<xslt:element name="{name($first1)}" namespace="{namespace-uri($first1)}">
<xslt:copy-of select="$first1/@*" />
<xslt:call-template name="m:merge">
<xslt:with-param name="nodes1" select="$first1/node()" />
<xslt:with-param name="nodes2" select="$nodes2[position()=$pos]/node()" />

<!-- Other: copy -->

<xslt:copy-of select="$first1" />

<!-- Merge $rest1 and rest of $nodes2 -->

<xslt:call-template name="m:merge">
<xslt:with-param name="nodes1" select="$rest1" />
<xslt:with-param name="nodes2" select="$nodes2[position() &gt; $pos]" />
</xslt:when><!-- else: $first1 is not in $rest2 or
$first1 is an empty text node -->
<xslt:copy-of select="$first1" />
<xslt:call-template name="m:merge">
<xslt:with-param name="nodes1" select="$rest1" />
<xslt:with-param name="nodes2" select="$nodes2" />
</xslt:when><!-- else: $first1 = $first2 -->

<!-- Elements: merge -->

<xslt:when test="$type1='element'">
<xslt:element name="{name($first1)}" namespace="{namespace-uri($first1)}">
<xslt:copy-of select="$first1/@*" />
<xslt:call-template name="m:merge">
<xslt:with-param name="nodes1" select="$first1/node()" />
<xslt:with-param name="nodes2" select="$first2/node()" />

<!-- Other: copy -->

<xslt:copy-of select="$first1" />
</xslt:choose><!-- Merge $rest1 and $rest2 -->
<xslt:call-template name="m:merge">
<xslt:with-param name="nodes1" select="$rest1" />
<xslt:with-param name="nodes2" select="$rest2" />

<!-- Comparing single nodes:
if $node1 and $node2 are equivalent then the template creates a
text node "=" otherwise a text node "!" -->

<xslt:template name="m:compare-nodes">
<xslt:param name="node1" />
<xslt:param name="node2" />
<xslt:variable name="type1">
<xslt:apply-templates mode="m:detect-type" select="$node1" />
<xslt:variable name="type2">
<xslt:apply-templates mode="m:detect-type" select="$node2" />

<!-- Are $node1 and $node2 element nodes with the same name? -->

<xslt:when test="$type1='element' and $type2='element' and local-name($node1)=local-name($node2) and namespace-uri($node1)=namespace-uri($node2)">

<!-- Comparing the attributes -->

<xslt:variable name="diff-att">

<!-- same number ... -->

<xslt:if test="count($node1/@*)!=count($node2/@*)">.</xslt:if>

<!-- ... and same name/content -->

<xslt:for-each select="$node1/@*">
<xslt:if test="not($node2/@* [local-name()=local-name(current()) and namespace-uri()=namespace-uri(current()) and .=current()])">.</xslt:if>
<xslt:when test="string-length($diff-att)!=0">!</xslt:when>
</xslt:when><!-- Other nodes: test for the same type and content -->
<xslt:when test="$type1!='element' and $type1=$type2 and name($node1)=name($node2) and ($node1=$node2 or ($normalize='yes' and normalize-space($node1)= normalize-space($node2)))">=</xslt:when>

<!-- Otherwise: different node types or different name/content -->

<!-- Type detection, thanks to M. H. Kay -->

<xslt:template match="*" mode="m:detect-type">element</xslt:template>
<xslt:template match="text()" mode="m:detect-type">text</xslt:template>
<xslt:template match="comment()" mode="m:detect-type">comment</xslt:template>
<xslt:template match="processing-instruction()" mode="m:detect-type">pi</xslt:template>

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