Cette classe permet à l'objet "Array" (tableau), de disposer de méthodes supplémentaires: suppression d'un élément, ajout d'un élément, échange de deux éléments, extraction du dernier élément, obtention du maximum, du minimum et de la valeur moyenne.
function ExtendArray() {
Array.prototype.remove = Array_Remove;
Array.prototype.add = Array_Add;
Array.prototype.swap = Array_Swap;
// removes and returns last element
Array.prototype.pop = Array_Pop;
// use these with arrays of ints
Array.prototype.min = Array_GetMin;
Array.prototype.max = Array_GetMax;
Array.prototype.avg = Array_GetAvg;
function Array_Remove(c) {
var tmparr = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<this.length; i++) if (i!=c) tmparr[tmparr.length] = this[i];
return tmparr;
function Array_Add(c, cont) {
var tmparr = new Array();
for (var i=0; i<this.length; i++) {
if (i==c) tmparr[tmparr.length] = cont;
tmparr[tmparr.length] = this[i];
if (!tmparr[c]) tmparr[c] = cont;
return tmparr;
function Array_Swap(x, z) {
var zvalue = this[z];
this[z] = this[x];
this[x] = zvalue;
return this;
function Array_Pop() {
var item = this[this.length-1];
return item;
function Array_GetMin() {
var Min = this[0];
if (isNaN(Min*1) && !IsDate(Min)) return '';
for (var i=0; i<this.length; i++) if (this[i]*1<Min) Min = this[i];
return Min;
function Array_GetAvg() {
var Total = 0;
if (isNaN(this[0]*1) && !IsDate(this[0])) return '';
for (var i=0; i<this.length; i++) if (this[i] != 0) Total += this[i]*1;
var Avg = Total/(Comps.length+1)
if ((Avg+"").indexOf(".") > -1) {
if (GetMax(i)-GetMin(i) > 50)
Avg = Math.round(Avg);
// if difference between min and max > 50, round
else Avg = (Avg+"").substring(0,(Avg+"").indexOf(".")+((bFloat) ? 3 : 2));
// else if all values were whole round to 2 places, else 3
return (Avg>0) ? Avg : "";
function Array_GetMax() {
var Max = this[0];
if (isNaN(Max*1) && !IsDate(Max)) return '';
for (var i=0; i<this.length; i++) if (this[i]*1>Max) Max = this[i];
return Max;